
I own the R package findviews, available on CRAN and Github.

I also contributed to MonetDB, a very fast open source columns store.

Teaching and Mentoring

I guest lectured for Columbia's data exploration and database classes. I also had the chance to work with a few talented students from the WuLab, including Haoci Zhang, Kevin Lin, and Ian Huang.

Other experience

Before I started my PhD, I had a technology role at JPMorgan (investment banking) for a year.

I wrote my Master's thesis in the database group of Uppsala University, in Sweden. I developed a Naive Bayes classifier for a DBMS, and used it on a stream of Twitter messages to detect emotions. You may find the text here.

I play lots of music, and I attend as many concerts as I can. Between January and September 2015, I toured with a music band. We achieved a lot, I will happily share tour stories upon request.