Machine Learning reading groups and seminars at Columbia
·Plenty of people are interested in Machine Learning at Columbia, and therefore several concurrent reading groups and seminars have appeared. This page is an attempt to list them. Please do contact me for any update, remark or correction.
- Dave Blei’s reading group: Theory and practice of ML, both papers and textbooks. fast paced and deep discussion. The group open to new members as long as they commit to participate. Contact: Jackson Hopper, meet on Tuesdays. Mailing list here.
- NLP reading group: Weekly meeting of the NLP group, meet on Mondays at 5pm. See mailing list for more info.
- Deep Learning reading group: Invited talks and paper presentations about Deep Learning. The group stopped in 2016, but may resume in 2018. See mailing list.
- Database seminar: weekly meeting of the database group, focus on database systems, IR and applied machine learning. Selective admissions, see the group’s Web page for more info.
- Data Science Institute seminars: every Friday, student talks, topics range from theory to programming languages. See mailing list here.